Lab Informatics

Astrix Expert Insights – Strategies for Leading a Successful Digital Transformation in the Laboratory

Lab Informatics

June 3, 2021

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Astrix CEO, Dale Curtis, along with our executive team of informatics experts will lead a live Q&A to provide valuable insights on the benefits, pitfalls and best practices to help navigate your digital transformation journey.

Wednesday, September 22nd, 1:00 EST

“Digital transformation is more about the journey than the destination: it’s an opportunity to change the organization’s mind-set from working heads-down to being eyes-up and focused on the data.” – Dale Curtis, CEO, Astrix

 The key takeaways from this one of a kind event will include:

  • How to maximize the benefits of a digital transformation initiative
  • Best practices for implementing a successful digital strategy
  • Common challenges and obstacles and how to avoid them
  • Incorporating new technologies such as cloud, AI and ML to achieve a truly transformative laboratory environment
  • The timelines and resources required to accelerate and achieve a successful digital transformation



Contact us today and let’s begin working on a solution for your most complex strategy, technology and staffing challenges.

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