Astrix provides a complete set of Eusoft LIMS services to ensure your investment is performing at the highest level.  Using the Astrix Approach®, we provide Eusoft services to a wide range of life science-based companies and the services include

Our Eusoft LIMS Services

Astrix is a certified partner of EuSoft, offering a wide range of global EuSoft LIMS implementation services, such as:

  • Business process mapping
  • System implementation
  • Data management
  • Custom development
  • System integration
  • Data migration
  • System validation
  • User training

About Eusoft

Since 1997, EuSoft has been dedicated to developing software solutions for laboratory testing activities that adhere to international standards ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001. With a focus on quality standards and regulations, EuSoft.Lab is a comprehensive All-In-One laboratory management system that gives users a 360-degree view of their lab activities. With its convenient Software as a Service (SaaS) version, you can access the platform directly through a web browser and manage information quickly and easily from any mobile device.


White Paper – How to digitalise your laboratorya Eusoft White Paper

Laboratory digitalisation has become a priority for companies looking to improve the efficiency, productivity and quality of laboratory operations. This step-by-step guide provides a comprehensive overview of the laboratory’s digitalisation process, focusing on using Eusoft.Lab LIMS SaaS (Software as a Service) in the Cloud as a key tool to support this transformation. By following this guide, companies will be able to design a project to digitalise their laboratory and make it operational effectively.

White Paper – LIMS: from Application Centric to Data Centric

When it comes to strategic decisions, equipping your company with a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a major one. These systems can help streamline processes, increase accuracy, and reduce costs, but it can be a tough decision to make. In this white paper, discover why investing in a SaaS LIMS in the Cloud is a wise choice and how it can be a game-changer for your business.

White Paper –  LIMS – Build or Buy – Indications to Support the Purchase of a LIMS

In this white paper, we will explore how the world of LIMS and laboratory informatics is transitioning from an approach that emphasizes the application’s functionalities (Application Centric) to one that is more focused on leveraging and analyzing data (Data Centric).

White Paper – Light Cannabis Why Third Party Testing is Important

Third-party testing of cannabis is crucial for manufacturers to ensure their products are up to date with existing regulations. To ensure the accuracy of their work, it is essential for these labs to automate their workflows through the introduction of a LIMS that allows, at the same time to ensure the traceability of samples, documenting all stages of the analytical process.

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