Lab Informatics

The Seamless Laboratory – Beyond the Traditional LIMS

Lab Informatics

May 21, 2021

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The dynamic nature of today’s modern laboratory requires an agile approach to all aspects of their daily workflow, with the concepts of “the lab of the future” and “digital transformation” threaded through nearly every initiative. The elimination of manual processes paves the way for automation, while new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer cost effective solutions and advanced analytics. But what does this really mean in terms of tangible improvements and enhanced results for the scientific laboratory?

Digitization and automation are significant contributors to overall process improvement, but do not solve the ‘fit for purpose’ variable in the transformation equation. The traditional laboratory informatics ecosystem consists of one or multiple LIMS deployments, a combination of electronic and paper notebooks, and a system for data management comprised of an SDMS and Excel spreadsheets. This ecosystem of multi-vendor technologies may be siloed, and generally require the subsequent transfer and manipulation of data before it becomes accessible for scientific analysis. With enough effort, expertise, and combination of solutions, one can generally ‘digitally transform’ the traditional lab informatics ecosystem, but the technologies individually or as an automated workflow still lag behind best in class harmonized solutions.

Disappearing Boundaries in the Digital Lab

Many companies have recognized that their internal business units operate as a set of business processes comprised of workflows. Modern laboratories are highly suited to a workflow driven approach and, in fact, are already process driven by a large extent due to the nature of what they do on a day to day basis. To keep pace with technology and the evolving needs of the lab environment, agility is required in the adaptation of old workflows to updated processes and the quick implementation of new processes as new technologies are adopted by the lab. Surprisingly, the laboratory informatics solutions which have been prevalent have not adapted to this primary need.

While the lab is operating as a workflow processing machine, traditional LIMS deployments generally have not been upgraded to support the reality of process driven, dynamic laboratories. This leads to long and costly implementation timeframes, steep learning curves, inflexible software and poor user adoption of the system.

Sapio Sciences, a leading provider of Laboratory Management, Electronic Lab Notebook and Scientific Data Management solutions, aligns your information technology with the essential needs of the modern laboratory. With a single platform, Sapio provides the foundation to accelerate your R&D efforts through the digital transformation of your lab operations and scientific experiment process. Sapio recognizes that your data and processes are your most valued digital assets and provide the science aware tools to enable the rapid tracking of process and experiments, supporting functions like plasmid and compound design, targeted search, advanced visualizations and informatics in a single integrated low code no code platform.

In assessing the best informatics technologies to meet your current needs, while future-proofing your laboratory, consider what is the most flexible, functional and configurable architecture instead of the old ineffective approach of evaluating a list of ‘features and functions’. By doing so, you can be certain that the selected product gives you the best chance of providing what you need in the digital lab of the future, doing it quickly, and cost effectively while positioning your lab to be able to handle anything you want to in the future. The combination of high configurability, science awareness, scalability with unlimited flexibility means that the application can be adapted to new requirements easily and represents the optimal solution for any data management software project.

Sapio Sciences Exemplar Lab Management Software Platform

Having a single vendor with the leading cloud hosted LIMS/ELN/Data management technology and the necessary IT experience reduces costs, implementation time-frames and learning curves.


The combination of an easy to use, configurable, science aware digital lab solution with combined ELN, LIMS and Scientific Data Management with a scalable informatics platform virtually guarantees you will have a Seamless solution with high utility that will serve as an aid in support of laboratory and scientific processes instead of being an obstacle to getting work done.

Why it Matters for You

The dynamic nature of today’s modern laboratory requires an agile approach to all aspects of their daily research and discovery work. To digitally transform your operations into the seamless lab of the future, a new paradigm is required for your informatics solution to meet these challenging needs.

  • Selecting a digital lab solution that is flexible, functional and configurable will future proof your laboratory by providing a cost-effective optimal solution that can quickly and easily be adapted to new requirements as your informatics needs evolve.
  • Having a single vendor with the leading cloud hosted LIMS/ELN/Data management technology and the necessary IT experience reduces costs, implementation time-frames and learning curves.
  • Implementing Sapio Sciences’ Exemplar will enable a configurable workflow that allows for the rapid implementation of detailed processes, providing an end to end informatics platform that meets the challenging needs of the seamless modern laboratory.
  • Deploying the Exemplar Seamless Lab eliminates data silos between LIMS and ELN users on a single, extendible informatics platform with data consistent in its representation and searchable in a targeted manner, providing data visualizations and analytics across the entire enterprise.
  • Breaking down barriers between scientists by enabling the only truly collaborative platform increases discovery opportunities and accelerates throughput.
  • Science awareness of the system enables the ELN to facilitate design and testing of experimental ideas such as primers, reactions, etc.

About Astrix

Astrix has been helping scientific organizations implement and integrate new informatics systems in the laboratory since 1995. Our experienced team of expert informatics consultants bring together technical, strategic, regulatory and content knowledge to provide the most effective solutions to problems faced by scientific organizations. Astrix partners with many of the industry leaders in the informatics space to offer state of the art solutions for all of your laboratory informatics needs. Our domain experts have helped hundreds of companies globally effectively navigate their digital transformation journey.


Contact us today and let’s begin working on a solution for your most complex strategy, technology and staffing challenges.

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